Friday, May 13, 2011




Happiness uplifts you
Happiness fills your heart, your mind, and your soul

Happiness gives you the strength you need
Happiness is a great feeling that
Enters your mind
Happiness takes the sorrow away

Happiness fills you life with joy
Happiness makes you feel happy, excited,
And thrilled

By maryam Kazmi
Created Thursday, February 24, 2011

Now, some people will bemoan this fact, wag their fingers in your direction, and tell you sternly that you should live every minute of your life as though it were your last, which only goes to show that some people would spend their final ten minutes giving other people dumb advice. The things we do when we expect our lives to continue are naturally and properly different than the things we might do if we expected them to end abruptly. We go easy on the lard and tobacco, smile dutifully at yet another of our supervisor's witless jokes, read books like this one when we could be wearing paper hats and eating pistachio macaroons in the bathtub, and we do each of these things in the charitable service of the people we will soon become. We treat our future selves as though they were our children, spending most of the hours of most of our days constructing tomorrows that we hope will make them happy. By Daniel Gilbert

The guideline for cultivation is understanding and awakening,
proper views and purity. Understanding and awakening is to be
without delusion, proper views is without deviation, and purity
is without pollution. This can be achieved by practicing the
Three Learnings of self-discipline, concentration, and wisdom

ALL BEINGS DESIRE HAPPINESS ALWAYS, happiness without a tinge of sorrow. At the same time everybody loves himself best. The cause for love is only happiness. So, that happiness must lie within oneself. Further,that happiness is daily experienced by everyone in sleep when there is no mind. To attain that natural happiness one must know oneself. For that, Self-enquiry, `Who am I?’ is the chief means.

But, what about the upside of life? Is there more to life than not being depressed or unhappy? What scientific research has found is that, just like computers are designed to work when properly turned on, humans are wired in such a way that when properly "turned on," they get happier. Their brains begin to secrete chemicals that make them feel better, their bodies get healthier, they make more money, their relationships improve, their marriages are more fulfilling, they live longer, and their overall sense of well-being and happiness gets better. And what is amazing is that we now have a lot of documentation to show exactly where the power buttons are and how to turn them on.

If you look at the list above, you'll see that all of these desires—as well as many others—are circumstantial. They are "states" within which we find ourselves, like rich or poor, degreed or not, renting or owning, skinny or fat. These states can change at any given time in our lives. But most of all, they are "outside us." What has the research into happiness shown us about our circumstances? The answer is surprising, especially since we live in a culture that is obsessed with the list above and others like it. Here is the finding: Circumstances account for only about 10 percent of our happiness.1

Friday, April 15, 2011

fine art

This painting was painted by Vincent Van Gough, and the title of it is Enclosed Feild with Reaper. It was painted in 1889

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



    Many people have different ways of feeling the emotion of happiness.  All throughout the world  many different kinds of people have different perceptions of happiness, and some of them might have similar perceptions to views that you have on happiness.  The image that was selected for this critique has to do with the concept of happiness, because the man in the image has a smile on his face and seems to be happy. He likes listening to the music that is coming from his headphones. In this image the photographer uses the man singing and laughing to show that this is how  this man achieves happiness.
       In this image the focal point is the Man in the picture that is singing. The reason that this is the focal point of this image is that he is the only thing really in the image, and the expression on his face causes you to focus on him. Your eyes are drawn right at him, because of the way that the man’s facial expression just catches your eye. The man in the image achieves happiness through listening to music, and this is also how a lot of people become happy. In this photo the focal point of the man pushes the concept of happiness, and the color of the picture helps bring the picture to a whole new level.

     This image has colors that make you think of happiness. It has a bright yellow background, he is wearing very bright light blue shirt, and he has very shiny pearly whites. The importance of the mood of the colors  shows us the mood of the image, and how it pertains to the topic of the photograph. The colors of an image is very important to an image, because it shows the mood of the painting. The colors used in an image give you a feel for what the photographer was trying to say. Foreground is very important to a picture, because it is mostly where all the action happens.

Foreground is very important to a painting. It is mostly what what draws your attention first, because it is right there in your face. In this image the thing that is in the foreground is the man that is listening to the music, smiling, and very happy, and there isn’t really anything happening in the background of the image. The background of the image only has a yellow wall of some sort, but nothing else. In this image and many images the foreground has most of the action going on, and it really draws your eyes to it first in the image. This image has a lot of important elements that coincide with it.

    Many people achieve happiness through many different actions and hobbies. All through out the world everyone has different perceptions of happiness.The image that was selected for this critique has to do with the concept of happiness, because the man in the image has a smile on his face and seems to be happy. He likes listening to music that is coming from his headphones. The concept of happiness can be seen in many different genres  of artwork.